
Jesus cares about your feelings. He is happy when you are happy, he comforts you when you’re sad. Jesus cares about everyone.

Jul 31


My goldfish Finny died two days ago. I loved him a lot. He was very sick with an infection called fin rot. It makes me very sad to think about my poor pet. He was only 3 years old. But I believe I will see Finny again in Heaven. He will be healthy and happy and safe.

Jun 22


There are many words in the world. Words are what we use to express ourselves, like how I'm writing right now. Words have power. We can heal with our words. Proverbs 16:24 says "Gracious words are a honeycomb, sweet to the soul and healing to the bones." What if it was our words that were 'sweet' and 'healing'?

There's gonna be a HUGE party! Everyone in the world is invited! What's more, this party will last forever, and will be forever happy and safe. Isn't that AMAZING? Do you want to come? I know I do. Nobody but the host knows when it will start, though. We just have to trust the host and enter the waiting...

I do Martial Arts class. It is on Zoom now, but we still do lessons. Martial arts class is tough, and we do hard workouts every time. Even though the workouts are hard, I know that they are helping me become a better martial artist. I discipline myself by putting 100% effort into these classes. Maybe you have something...

Music is a big part of our lives. We listen to music every day. Some of us listen to Christian music, by Christian authors and proclaiming the message of the Gospel and the mighty works of God. Many times, we sing along. At most churches they start/end the service by singing songs, and sometimes hymns too.

We are all masterpieces. We were created perfectly how we are by God. Unfortunately, some people refuse to accept that. I think that diversity in humanity is an amazing thing, and that we should at least accept it. The last post I made was about how our world is fallen, a shadow of what it once was, and what it could be. ...

Think of this world. It's pretty mixed up. There is hate and violence, there is love and kindness. But usually, it's in the middle. It's nothing but what we call average, with a small mixture of anger and sadness, and a dash of care. Sometimes, we feel just the hate in the world. We long for Jesus's return and the...

The dictionary definition of evangelism is 'the spreading of the Christian gospel by public preaching or personal witness.' What does that mean? It means sharing the good news by preaching in the open or talking personally with someone you know. Jesus calls us to evangelize. It can be hard, though. Some people get uncomfortable talking about...

We are not going to be on this world forever. We will eventually die, the world will heat up too much to live in, or Jesus will come back. Let’s focus on the last one. The Bible says that Jesus will come “like a thief in the night”. That means that nobody will expect his coming. Many people have...

In this time, it is hard to find joy. All the things that we find joy in, or so it seems, have been stripped away from us to protect us. but things are what gives us joy, God is. We can pray and ask God for joy. And when we do, we can spread this joy. we can spread joy...

Apr 20


So most people believe in the Big Bang, right? I don't. Think about it. A random, tiny thing expands and explodes, creating our universe and stars and planets out of that tiny particle. It also creates the fabric of space-time. Where did this random, tiny thing come from? It would have needed a Creator.

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