Construction Crew
By the way, sorry that I have been inconsistent in my posting. I'll try to be more reliable next time. Anyway, today my dad and I pried out this old chunk of concrete in the yard, using log segments, two large boards, and a lot of hard word. Finally, after about an hour, we flipped it over onto three roundish logs. I helped him use chisels and sledgehammers to shape the cement segment into a more rectangular shape. After that, it was easier to roll on the logs to extend our patio. It was very, very hard work, but I was proud of my accomplishment. I think we can use this as an analogy. Say God took us out of the ground, flipped us around, and started shaping us to take a part in building something great. This would be amazing! It sure would have been easy to leave that hunk of cement where it was, but we wanted it to be a part of something bigger. It would have been much easier for God to just leave humanity where it was. But God gave us a gift, and he changed us to be more like him, and is using our life and our circumstances to shape us. Sometimes we can't understand this. God understands that. Isaiah 55:8-9 says "For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways," declares the LORD. "As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways." God says that his ways are higher than ours. So when we feel the hit of the sledgehammer or the carefully sculpting tap of the chisel, we know that our Lord is shaping us to be something beautiful that will honor God. This week, really try to be that beautiful thing and honor God in any way that you can.