

So most people believe in the Big Bang, right? I don't. Think about it. A random, tiny thing expands and explodes, creating our universe and stars and planets out of that tiny particle. It also creates the fabric of space-time. Where did this random, tiny thing come from? It would have needed a Creator. 

I recently read The Case for a Creator by Lee Strobel. It is an amazing book I would totally recommend. One illustration that Mr. Strobel used was if astronauts from Earth just landed on Mars, but "all the dials for its environment are set just right for life". He said that everyone would be guessing who got there first. After all, that couldn't happen on its own. Why shouldn't it be the same with Earth? Humans need so many exact conditions to survive, and those were fulfilled randomly? 

Read on in Creation Part 2 to find out more evidence that we, and our universe, were created.  

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