Facing Fears


I'm pretty scared of the Covid-19 virus. In our time, who isn't? But I'm a Christian. Does that mean that I'm invulnerable? Nope! I trust in God, but not to a point of being ridiculous. Have you ever heard the story of the drowning man? So there is a bad flood, and a religious man (Let's call him Bob) is on the roof of his house, trying not to drown. Then, a rowboat, looking for survivors, rows past. 

"Here! Get on!" The man in the rowboat shouts. "I'll save you! 

"No." Bob says decisively.  "God will save me."

The person in the rowboat saw that Bob had no intention to leave, shrugged, and moved on.

Then, the same thing happens with a motorboat, and finally a helicopter. 

After this, the water rises and Bob drowns. He arrives in Heaven, and asks God a question. "Why didn't you save me?"

God replies, "Who do you think sent you the rowboat, motorboat, or helicopter? How do you expect to be saved if you refuse to be saved?

The moral of this story is that God works through means. God sends things to help us, but we need to accept them. This week, I want you to ask yourself, "How can I be the means through which God works?" (Thank you, Pastor Colin Smith, for the inspiration for this post)

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