Flexibility and Loss


Right now, our world and our lives are chock-full of change. We're living minute-to-minute. I have no idea when school will open again, or when shelter-in-place will lift. In our situation, only God knows right now. Sometimes this time of change can be hard to manage. We miss out on things we really were looking forward to. This is a time of loss. 

Today is known as Maundy Thursday, which is a derivation from a Latin word for commandment, as it was today so many years ago (so they think) that Jesus gave his disciples the commandment to love. Jesus also washed his disciples' feet, as a sign of being below or under them. Let me help you understand why this was so significant. The God of ages, in human flesh, took the job of a lowly servant. That's incredible! Jesus lost so much to save us. We can never pay him back, but we can show appreciation for his sacrifice by accepting him as our Lord and Saviour today. 

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