Grace of God


Our God is very graceful and merciful. And by the word grace, I don't mean eloquence. I mean, I'm sure that God is like that, too. I mean that God gives us something we don't deserve (grace) and doesn't give us something we do deserve (mercy). That is just God's nature. He gives us the gift of eternal life, and withholds judgement leading to Hell. If we accept God's gracious gift, we can end up in Heaven! Don't you want to go there? Look at my other post about how to become a Christian. Let's look at times that God was gracious in the Bible. When God gave his people, the Israelites, grace and forgiveness when they repeatedly turned away from him. He gave them food and water in the desert.  In Isaiah 38, where God spared King Hezekiah from death and defended the nation from the Assyrians. Where Jesus came to Earth in the form of a mere baby, helpless and pure. And everyone knows about how Jesus was crucified on the cross for a crime he didn't commit or ever in a million gazillion years deserve, to give us, his lowly creation that sort of turned out wrong and corrupted, life in a perfect heaven with him forever. He became sin on the cross, and was separated from his Father, but was raised to life on the third day. Is our God not amazing and incomprehensibly graceful? 

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