Our Battle

When I think of a battle, I think of knights and swords. But all Christians have a different more serious battle that we are always fighting whether you realize it or not. We are fighting against the enemy. I think most of you know who the enemy represents. Satan, the devil. And these are some topics that some Christians avoid because sometimes it can be scary and it's not something that we fully understand. 

Satan is fighting us, because he doesn't want our faith to continue and mature. He tempts us to sin even though we know it's wrong. 

Well, we know that every human in history has sinned except Jesus. But we can reduce the amount that we sin by not listening to Satan. We can resist, but we don't have the strength to do this on our own. Our Lord and Savior will give us strength through the Holy Spirit. 

We need to put on the famous armor of God. Please don't dismiss this as a cute Sunday School lesson. The helmet of Salvation. We are saved by grace and through faith. Remember that. The Shield of Faith signifies that we have faith in Jesus Christ as our Saviour. The Breastplate of Righteousness. By Jesus's sacrifice, we have been made right with God. Then, the Belt of Truth, which protects us from the lies of Satan. We have the boots of the Gospel of Peace, which help us stand firm. And we have the Sword of the Spirit, which we can use to fight off the devil with the Holy Word of God. 

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