We are diverse!


We are all masterpieces. We were created perfectly how we are by God. Unfortunately, some people refuse to accept that. I think that diversity in humanity is an amazing thing, and that we should at least accept it. The last post I made was about how our world is fallen, a shadow of what it once was, and what it could be. 

Many people know of the Lord's prayer. There is, in fact, an amazing sermon series about it going on right now at my church, by Pastor Colin Smith. If you would like to hear this sermon, the link is here: Click Me

"Your kingdom come, your will be done, on Earth as it is in Heaven."

We want to make God's kingdom come on Earth! That means...

 Let's embrace diversity. On the inside, we are all the same, but on the outside, we are all unique and that is something to celebrate! We have all the same rights. It is time the Declaration of Independence rings true. We were created equally. We were all made, created, and we are all masterpieces! We need to act like it. Our world is a fallen world currently. Sin and death have taken over. We can try to restore our world. Show kindness. Give love. Only then, will we be able to truly embrace and be proud of our world.

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